Why Do People Like Propane?

Dear Friends,

A recent national survey by the Propane Education & Research Council asked people what they liked most about…

Propane vs. Natural Gas

Almost all of the propane you use is made in America, and most of it comes from the production of natural gas.

Navigating the Home Comfort Maze

You’re going in the right direction by using propane or heating oil to keep warm. But sometimes, you can lose your way trying to remain comfortable controlling costs.

We Make It Easy

Life gets a little more complicated when winter weather rolls around, so we do our best to make things a little easier. That’s why we offer convenient programs and services. Are you taking full advantage?

Help Us Keep You Warm

Please help us make fuel deliveries on schedule — and keep our drivers safe — by maintaining a clear path to your fill pipe.

Ask Zac

Q: Why are propane appliances more efficient than electric ones?

A: Propane generates more Btu’s than an equivalent amount of electricity…